Math, asked by aavi3, 1 year ago

what is operation on fraction


Answered by GaganGour
Fraction Operations

To add (or subtract) two fractions : 

      1) Find the least common denominator .

      2) Write both original fractions asequivalent fractions with the least common denominator.

      3) Add (or subtract) the numerators.

      4) Write the result with the denominator.

Example 1:

Add 13+3713+37 .

The least common denominator is 2121 .

13+37=1 ⋅ 73 ⋅ 7+3 ⋅ 37 ⋅ 3            =721+921            =162113+37=1 ⋅ 73 ⋅ 7+3 ⋅ 37 ⋅ 3            =721+921            =1621

To multiply two fractions:

      1) Multiply the numerator by the numerator.

      2) Multiply the denominator by the denominator.

For all real numbers a,b,c,d(b≠0,d≠0)a,b,c,d(b≠0,d≠0)


Example 2:

Multiply 14⋅5614⋅56 .

14⋅56=1 ⋅ 54 ⋅ 6           =52414⋅56=1 ⋅ 54 ⋅ 6           =524

To divide by a fraction, multiply by itsreciprocal .

For all real numbers a,b,c,d(b≠0,c≠,d≠0)a,b,c,d(b≠0,c≠,d≠0)


Example 3:

Divide 34÷5734÷57 .

34÷57=34⋅75             =3 ⋅ 74 ⋅ 5            =212034÷57=34⋅75             =3 ⋅ 74 ⋅ 5            =2120

Mixed numbers can be written as an improper fraction and an improper fraction can be written as a mixed number.

Example 4:

Write 725725 as an improper fraction.

725=71+25        =7 ⋅ 51 ⋅ 5+25        =355+25        =375725=71+25        =7 ⋅ 51 ⋅ 5+25        =355+25        =375

Example 5:

Write 117117 as a mixed number in simple form.

117=11÷7=1 R 4117=11÷7=1 R 4

Therefore, 117=147117=147 .

A fraction is in lowest terms when the numerator and denominator have no common factor other than 11 .  To write a fraction in lowest terms, divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor .

Example 6:

Write 45754575 in lowest terms.

4545 and 7575 have a common factor of 1515 .

4575=45 ÷ 1575 ÷ 15=35

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