Economy, asked by dhansinghyadav27, 5 months ago

what is optienumtarifff explain the effect of traiffice income distributed.


Answered by Itzgirl45


Inflation affects different aspects of the economy. In this article, we will explore the effects of inflation on production activities and the distribution of wealth.

Inflation has the following effects on the distribution of wealth:

  • Inflation has the following effects on the distribution of wealth:Usually, during inflation, most people experience a rise in their income levels
  • Inflation has the following effects on the distribution of wealth:Usually, during inflation, most people experience a rise in their income levelsSome people might gain at the cost of others. As the sellers will be able to sell the goods at a higher rate to its customers due to inflation.
  • Inflation has the following effects on the distribution of wealth:Usually, during inflation, most people experience a rise in their income levelsSome people might gain at the cost of others. As the sellers will be able to sell the goods at a higher rate to its customers due to inflation.A certain set of people gain because their money income rises faster than the prices
  • Inflation has the following effects on the distribution of wealth:Usually, during inflation, most people experience a rise in their income levelsSome people might gain at the cost of others. As the sellers will be able to sell the goods at a higher rate to its customers due to inflation.A certain set of people gain because their money income rises faster than the pricesA different set of people lose because prices rise faster than their incomes during inflation


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