What is organised sector
Organised Sector is a sector where the employment terms are fixed and regular, and the employees get assured work. Unorganised sectoris one where the employment terms are not fixed and regular, as well as the enterprises, are not registered with the government
Organised sector is part of the economy where the employees usually have long term job security with fixed and predefined terms of employment.Usually, the public sector or the government firms come under this sector
As stated,the organised sector usually provides long term job assurance for the employees with properly organised and fixed terms of employment.The government in most countries has enforced various labor laws and rules and regulations pertaining to employment contracts.Now, the firms under the organised sectors have to customarily abide by these laws and regulations and most of them are classified or categorized under public sector or considered as government regulated.The employees working in organised sector usually have fixed working hours with fixed salary and additional remunerations for overtime operations.They are also entitled to many non-monetary or non-financial benefits and facilities such as separate pension schemes,insurance and medical benefits sponsored by the employer, leave and travel compensations and so on.