what is over utillization of resources.
In general, “overutilization of resources” may occur on development nodes when a user launches many processes or launches a process that uses many threads for an extensive period. On a compute node, this occurs when a batch job utilizes more resources than requested at the submission time. The consequences of “over utilizing HPCC resources” are high. Anyone who has done this before will tell you that it’s no fun having your job terminated in the middle of execution or having your account blocked from submitting jobs to the HPCC cluster. Overutilization of resources is not a rare occurrence nor is it limited to users from a specific field/discipline. It can happen to any of us if we are not careful in submitting jobs. This past April, ICER had a dozen tickets related to resource overutilization. In this article, we’ll share some tips regarding the resource usage and how to avoid overutilization.
In general, “overutilization of resources” may occur on development nodes when a user launches many processes or launches a process that uses many threads for an extensive period. On a compute node, this occurs when a batch job utilizes more resources than requested at the submission time.