Biology, asked by gauriM10, 11 months ago

What is ovulation? ​


Answered by Anonymous


Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. The egg then moves down the fallopian tube where it can be fertilised.


The average menstrual cycle is 28-35 days. Ovulation usually happens between days 11 and 21 of your cycle. A hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) surges, triggering the release of the egg that's most ripe. At the same time, your cervical mucus becomes more slippery to help sperm make their way to the egg.

ovulation discharge look like

Fertile discharge is thin, clear or white, and slippery, much the same as an egg white. This type of discharge signals that ovulation is approaching. Fertile cervical fluid helps sperm move up the cervix to fertilize an egg.



 &lt;svg id="wrap" width="300" height="300"&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>  &lt;!-- background --&gt;</p><p>  &lt;svg&gt;</p><p>    &lt;circle cx="150" cy="150" r="130" style="stroke: lightblue; stroke-width:18; fill:transparent"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;circle cx="150" cy="150" r="115" style="fill:#2c3e50"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;path style="stroke: #2c3e50; stroke-dasharray:820; stroke-dashoffset:820; stroke-width:18; fill:transparent" d="M150,150 m0,-130 a 130,130 0 0,1 0,260 a 130,130 0 0,1 0,-260"&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="6s" to="-820" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;/path&gt;</p><p>  &lt;/svg&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>  &lt;!-- image --&gt;</p><p>  &lt;svg&gt;</p><p>    &lt;path id="hourglass" d="M150,150 C60,85 240,85 150,150 C60,215 240,215 150,150 Z" style="stroke: white; stroke-width:5; fill:white;" /&gt;</p><p>    </p><p>    &lt;path id="frame" d="M100,97 L200, 97 M100,203 L200,203 M110,97 L110,142 M110,158 L110,200 M190,97 L190,142 M190,158 L190,200 M110,150 L110,150 M190,150 L190,150" style="stroke:lightblue; stroke-width:6; stroke-linecap:round" /&gt;</p><p>    </p><p>    &lt;animateTransform xlink:href="#frame" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="0s" dur="3s" values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150" keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1" repeatCount="indefinite" /&gt;</p><p>    &lt;animateTransform xlink:href="#hourglass" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="0s" dur="3s" values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150" keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1" repeatCount="indefinite" /&gt;</p><p>  &lt;/svg&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>  &lt;!-- sand --&gt;</p><p>  &lt;svg&gt;</p><p>    &lt;!-- upper part --&gt;</p><p>    &lt;polygon id="upper" points="120,125 180,125 150,147" style="fill:#2c3e50;"&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animate attributeName="points" dur="3s" keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1" values="120,125 180,125 150,147; 150,150 150,150 150,150; 150,150 150,150 150,150" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;/polygon&gt;</p><p>    </p><p>    &lt;!-- falling sand --&gt;</p><p>    &lt;path id="line" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="1,4" stroke-dashoffset="200.00" stroke="#2c3e50" stroke-width="2" d="M150,150 L150,198"&gt;</p><p>      &lt;!-- running sand --&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="3s" to="1.00" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>      &lt;!-- emptied upper --&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animate attributeName="d" dur="3s" to="M150,195 L150,195" values="M150,150 L150,198; M150,150 L150,198; M150,198 L150,198; M150,195 L150,195" keyTimes="0; 0.65; 0.9; 1" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>      &lt;!-- last drop --&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animate attributeName="stroke" dur="3s" keyTimes="0; 0.65; 0.8; 1" values="#2c3e50;#2c3e50;transparent;transparent" to="transparent" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;/path&gt;</p><p>    </p><p>    &lt;!-- lower part --&gt;</p><p>    &lt;g id="lower"&gt;</p><p>      &lt;path d="M150,180 L180,190 A28,10 0 1,1 120,190 L150,180 Z" style="stroke: transparent; stroke-width:5; fill:#2c3e50;"&gt;</p><p>        &lt;animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" keyTimes="0; 0.65; 1" values="0 15; 0 0; 0 0" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" /&gt;</p><p>      &lt;/path&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animateTransform xlink:href="#lower" attributeName="transform"</p><p>                    type="rotate"</p><p>                    begin="0s" dur="3s"</p><p>                    values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150"</p><p>                    keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1"</p><p>                    repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;/g&gt;</p><p>    </p><p>    &lt;!-- lower overlay - hourglass --&gt;</p><p>    &lt;path d="M150,150 C60,85 240,85 150,150 C60,215 240,215 150,150 Z" style="stroke: white; stroke-width:5; fill:transparent;"&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animateTransform attributeName="transform"</p><p>                    type="rotate"</p><p>                    begin="0s" dur="3s"</p><p>                    values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150"</p><p>                    keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1"</p><p>                    repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;/path&gt;</p><p>    </p><p>    &lt;!-- lower overlay - frame --&gt;</p><p>    &lt;path id="frame" d="M100,97 L200, 97 M100,203 L200,203" style="stroke:lightblue; stroke-width:6; stroke-linecap:round"&gt;</p><p>      &lt;animateTransform attributeName="transform"</p><p>                    type="rotate"</p><p>                    begin="0s" dur="3s"</p><p>                    values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150"</p><p>                    keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1"</p><p>                    repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>    &lt;/path&gt;</p><p>  &lt;/svg&gt;</p><p>  </p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;

Answered by MrAadil

The stage at which either of the two female ovary releases an ova (female reproductive cell) is called Ovulation




...10 thanx + follow = INBOX

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