What is oxygen debt??
a temporary oxygen shortage in the body tissues arising from exercise.
please mark my answer as brainlist and follow me please
There are two types of respiration aerobic and anarobic.
arobic :- in presence of oxygen
reaction :- glucose + oxygen gives energy + co2 + water
anaerobic :- in absence of oxygen
reaction :- glucose gives energy + lactic acid
generally we breathe aerobically but in vigourous exeesise oxygen is not supplied to muscles in such a short time
and we start breathe anerobically
this anerobically breathe is for only last 60 sec or in running last 100 m after that body must require oxygen
this waste product formed ( lactic acid) in extra amount causes cramp . condition similar to cricketers. while they play full day cramp start in their body
the extra oxygen that must be used in the oxidative energy processes after a period of strenuous exercise to reconvert the lactic acid build up to glucose as well as the return of the decomposed ATP and creatine phosphate to their original states”.