what is ozone the layer why is the depletion of Ozone a matter of concern write the steps undertaken to reduce the loss of ozone layer
The layer which is made up of 3 oxygen molecules (O3) is known as ozone layer. It acts as a blanket to the earth’s atmosphere and protects the earth from harmful UV Rays. If the Ozone Layer depletes then the UV Rays enter the earth and they cause skin cancer and many more harmful diseases.
Steps undertaken to reduce depletion of Ozone Layer:-
1) Stopping emmissin of green house gases.
2) Industries should not release CO2
3) Automobiles should be electric and should not run on fossil fuels.
4) CFC free refrigerators and Air conditioners should be used
Ozone Layer :
ozone is a form of Oxygen (O3) .
In the stratosphere (Ozonosphere ), ozone blocks out the sun's ultraviolet and is a life saver.
Depletion of Ozone : See the above attachment ↑
Preventing ozone depletion:
¤ Recycling of chemicals should be increased
¤ CFC's (chloro fluorocarbon ) Should be replaced by HCFC's (Hydro chloro fluorocarbon)
¤ Refrigerators servicing and air - conditioners should be regulated
¤ Refrigerants should be recaptured and used
¤ Adopt protection measures from sun's radiation.
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