what is p type semiconductor ?
P-type semiconductor
When the trivalent impurity is added to an intrinsic or pure semiconductor (silicon or germanium), then it is said to be an p-type semiconductor. Trivalent impurities such as Boron (B), Gallium (G), Indium(In), Aluminium(Al) etc are called acceptor impurity.
Let us consider, trivalent impurity boron is added to silicon as shown in below figure. Boron atom has three valence electrons and silicon has four valence electrons. The three valence electrons of each boron atom form 3 covalent bonds with the 3 neighboring silicon atoms.
Trivalent impurities such as Boron (B), Gallium (G), Indium(In), Aluminium(Al) etc are called acceptor impurity.
In the fourth covalent bond, only silicon atom contributes one valence electron, while the boron atom has no valence electron to contribute. Thus, the fourth covalent bond is incomplete with shortage of one electron. This missing electron is called hole.
This shows each boron atom accept one electron to fill the hole. Therefore, all the trivalent impurities are called acceptors. A small addition of impurity (boron) provides millions of holes

p type semiconductor = the element belonging to 14 group have four valence electron .when it is doped with group 15 which contain five valence electrons .4out of 5 electrons are used in the formation of covalent bond and the 5 th electron of group 15 becomes delocalised and cause conductivity