What is panchayati raj system? How is it effective in rural areas of India
In India, the Panchayati Raj now functions as a system of governance in which gram panchayats are the basic units of local administration. The system has three levels: Gram Panchayat (village level), Mandal Parishad or Block Samiti or Panchayat Samiti (block level), and Zila Parishad (district level)
Rural Development includes measures to strengthen the democratic structure of society through the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). ... The Panchayats are expected to play an important role in rural development in India, particularly after independence.
Panchayati Raj js the the third level body of the government. It is also known as Local self government., which creates a link between Gram panchayat and Zilla Parishad.
The significant effect of Panchayati Raj in rural areas of India are:
1. The constitutional status for local government has helped to deepen democracy in our country.
2. There is a fair participation of women in politics, as the women's representation in the democracy increased.