Biology, asked by mohanjayan, 1 year ago

what is pancreas hormone and explain it's types


Answered by Renugautam
Pancreas is both exocrine and endocrine gland. The exocrinal part secretes pancreatic fluid into the duodenum after a meal. The endocrinal part secretes various types of hormones. These are produced by a specialized tissue in the pancreas and then released to the capillary system and reached the liver by the portal venous circulation. The specialized tissue is called islets of Langerhans. Islets of Langerhans represent approximately 1-2 % of the pancreas. Three types of cells are regonized in these islets.

A cells – producing glucagon (25% of all islet cells).

B cells – producing insulin (60% of all islet cells).

D cells – producing somatostatin (10% of all islet cells).

F cells – producing panceratic polypeptide (5% of all islet cells).

Islets of Langerhans play a crucial role in carbohydrate metabolism and so in a plasma glucose concentration. It involves:

Glycolysis – the anaerobic conversion of glucose to lactate. Occurs in the red blood cells, renal medulla and sceletal muscles.

Glycogenesis – the synthesis of glycogen from glucose. Glucose is stored ( in liver, muscle) in the form of glycogen and this serves to maintain a constant plasma glucose concentration.

Glycogenolysis – the breakdown of glycogen to glucose.

Gluconeogenesis – the production of glucose from non-sugar molecules (amino acids, lactate, glycerol)

Lipolysis – the breakdown of triacylglycerols into glycerol and free fatty acids.

Lipogenesis – the synthesis of triacylglycerols.


Pancreatic hormones are responsible for storage of fat and glucose, as glycogen, after meal.

Enables the mobilisation of energy reserves as a result of food deprivation, stress, physical activity.

Maintain the constant plasma glucose concentration.

Promote growth.

I Hope this is helpful for u.................
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