⭐️What is parallel universe. Tell one real story of parallel universe⭐️⭐️
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It is said to be related to be ours., branch off from ours and said to be home of extint species. In quantum physics, it is said to be a theory that states that many universes exist in reality.
We don’t see these other universes because our cosmic vision is limited by the speed of light — the ultimate speed limit. The group of many universes is called multiverse.
Once, there was a boy who lived with his brother ans mom. One evening, both of the brothers went for a evening walk and saw a newly paved road which was never seen by them. They cane to conclusion that the road may have been in afternoon. They walked on it, red trees and oak trees were aside. After an hour or two, they returned and the incident on the next day shocked them. The road disappeared! After the incident went viral, it was predicted that may be, it was a way to parallel universe.
Hope helped :)
Talking about this concept you might have some doubts like 'what is parallel universe', etc.. Parallel universe is the second universe of a universe. to say clearly I mean: i.e, Let's take our universe this is the first/second universe and also in this theory of multiverse there a tons of universe, according to make space theory it is said that for each universe there a similar another universe where same people like us live, space planets, there might be possibility of live, so and so, etc..
Well, do you think this as fake information? Or doesn't belive regarding this? Just go to flash back at the year '2015'. NASA [National Aeronautics Space And Adminstration] officially announced that there a parallel universe well there a similar planet like earth and also it was find by a space Telescope and also was named with the telescope name of that planet "Kee-pler 452b" well many scientists have said that there are many possibility for living the life.
Well, I didn't mean to say this but I have taken this concept here because there some relationship between them. I will say everything clearly, according to space theory's scientists say that the dreams we get after connected to parallel universe I mean the people and us like example: In my dream if I see the people like my family, friends, and me but it would be not me a similar person from another parallel universe who is just like me".
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