What is penetrating effect??
Yo.u get ge.ni.us r.ank in.s.ta.ntly wh.en you recei.ve 1500.0 poi.nts.
Ma.y be a.t the sa.m.e tim.e so.me of yo.ur answ.ers we.re d.el.et.ed by the m.odera.tors.
The poin.ts got de.d.uc.ted of tho.se a.ns.wers bu.t your ra.nk ca.n't now be d.em.oted.
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- ➡ Penetration effect is the effect in which ionization enthalpy is increased through this effect. ✔As we know , The electrons of the S orbital has the maximum probability of being found near the Nucleus. AND , LESS probability in case of P , D , and F orbitals in the same shells
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