What is photoelectric effect ? what are the laws of photoelectric effect ? How did Einstein explain the observed fact of photoelectric effect ?
:- When light of suitable frequency illuminates a metal surface . these photo (light ) generates electrons are called photo electrons .
Explanation :- When an electron attempts to come out of metal the metal surfece aquires a positive change and pulls the electron back to the metal . the free electron is thus held inside the metal surface by attractive force of ions . A certain amount of energy is required by an electron to escape from the metal surface. this energy is called work function .
Law of photoelectric effect are following
(1) for a given material there is a certain minimum frequency of radiation has a frequency below this threshold , no photo electric emission ever take place .
(2) for incident frequency r greater than the threshold frequency , the photoelectric current is directly proportional to the intensity of radiation .
(3) the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is directly proportional to only the frequency incident radiation .
Einstein observation is in this given picture .
Hope it's helpful !