what is phototropism & geotropism with labeled describe an activity to show the light & gravity change the direction of plant grow
Phototropism - it is the directional movement in response to light...
Geotropism - it is the directional movement in response to the gravity
fill a conical flask with water cover the neck of the flask with the wire mesh keep 2 or 3 freshly germinated bean seeds on the wire mesh ,take a cardboard box which is open from the one side keep the flask in the box in such a manner that open side of the box faces light coming from the window after 2 or 3 days, u will notice that shoots bend towards light and roots away from the light..
When a potted seedling was placed horizontally within a dark wooden chamber, the stem was seen to bent upwards, i.e., in a direction opposite to the pull of gravity. This is a negative geotropism. When roots were taken out of the pot, they showed a curvature or bend opposite to the bend of the stem. This curvature is in the direction of the pull of gravity. It is positive geotropism.