what is pinna and cochlea
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pinna- the external part of the human ear or any other mammal is known as pinna.
cochlea- the spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.
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cochlea- the spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.
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Pinna is the first part of our ear that react with sound. This is the only part of our ear which is visible to us. Its function is to act as a funnel which directs the sound into the ear.
Cochlea is the inner part of the ear which looks like a snail shell.The cochlea receives the sound in the form of vibrations which cause stereocilia to move which then converts these vibrations into nerve impulses and then these are taken to brain to be interpreted
Pinna is the first part of our ear that react with sound. This is the only part of our ear which is visible to us. Its function is to act as a funnel which directs the sound into the ear.
Cochlea is the inner part of the ear which looks like a snail shell.The cochlea receives the sound in the form of vibrations which cause stereocilia to move which then converts these vibrations into nerve impulses and then these are taken to brain to be interpreted
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