English, asked by BlastOracle, 4 months ago

what is Pirate

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Answered by Itzdarkshadow56


A pirate is a robber who travels by water. Though most pirates targeted ships, some also launched attacks on coastal towns. We often think of pirates as swashbuckling and daring or evil and brutish, but in actual fact most of them were ordinary people who had been forced to turn to criminal activity to make ends meet.

Answered by llElegantlavenderll



(usually in the past or in stories) a criminal who attacks ships in order to steal from them

जलदस्‍यु, समुद्री डाकू (कहानियों में वर्णित या पिछले ज़माने में होने वाला)


a person who copies books, video tapes, computer programs, etc. in order to sell them illegally

पुस्‍तक आदि की अवैध नक़ल को चोरी से बेचने वाला; कृतिचोर


to make an illegal copy of a book, video tape, etc. in order to sell it

पुस्‍तक आदि की अवैध नक़ल करना (बेचने के लिए); साहित्यिक-कलात्‍मक चोरी करना

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