what is pistil? draw its labelled parts
The diagram of passage of pollen tube into ovule is in the attachment and the pistil is described below : The pistil is the main female reproductive portion of a flower. This structure has another name to, that is, carpel. ... This is a long stalk like structure which connects stigma with the ovary.
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Pistil, the female reproductive part of a flower. The pistil, centrally located, typically consists of a swollen base, the ovary, which contains the potential seeds, or ovules; a stalk, or style, arising from the ovary; and a pollen-receptive tip, the stigma, variously shaped and often sticky. In pollination, compatible pollen grains land on the stigma and then germinate, forming a pollen tube. The pollen tube grows down through the tissue of the style to deposit sperm for the fertilization of the ovules in the ovary. Pistils in the collective sense form the gynoecium, in distinction to the male reproductive parts, or androecium (see stamen).