English, asked by Nive0018, 1 year ago

what is plagiarism ?


Answered by Nikki57


Plagiarism means using the language and thoughts of some other person and presenting it as your original work.

Plagiarism is a fraud in which we steal someone's else work and present it as ours. The international copyright laws states that expressions of original ideas is considered intellectual property and it protected by copyright laws.

There are 3 types of plagiarism-:

• Minimal plagiarism - It is the most common plagiarism, specially in field or education. In this, the original text is edited , substituted with synonyms and then presented.

• Substantial plagiarism - In this kind of plagiarism, more textual material is added to original document and the sequence of text is changed too.

• Complete plagiarism - This type of plagiarism implies, making no changes in original data and presented directly.

Even on Brainly, we don't support plagiarism of answers, we delete the plagiarized answers.


Hope it helps...!!!

BrainlyHulk: Nice answer Nicks !! :O
Nikki57: Thanks and thanks to asker for marking as brainliest :)
Answered by BrainlyHulk
Hola Friend ✋✋✋

'Plagarism' means the practice of taking or stealing or copying someone's ideas , thoughts , writings , etc ...

I have learnt an plagiarism example in 'The story of my life' by Helen Keller..

It is said that Helen Keller plagiarized the story "The Frost fairies" by Margaret Canby and she published that book as " The Frost King "

Another example for plagiarism is ..

If you made your own story , someone saw that story and made same story with different words ...but same ideas and meanings.

Plagiarism can lead to Police cases ....

Hope it helps

Nikki57: Perfect :D
BrainlyHulk: thanks ji.... but yours is amazing.... thanks for the information about plagiarism..
Nikki57: :)
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