What is Ploughing ? Describe who plough the field and why?
Ploughing is a process in which farmer uses a plough (in hindi they call it as "hal") to cut the top layer of the soil to,(actually) mix the soil so that the minerals in the soil also gets mixed. It also keeps the soil moist & wet.
A plough or plow is a farm tool for loosening or turning the soil before sowing seed or planting. Ploughs were traditionally drawn by oxen and horses, but in modern farms are drawn by tractors. A plough may have a wooden, iron or steel frame, with a blade attached to cut and loosen the soil.
The main implement used for primary tillage is a plough. Ploughing essentially consists of opening the upper crust of the soil, breaking the clods and making the soil suitable for sowing seeds. The purpose of ploughing can be summarized as follows ♦ To obtain a deep seed bed of good texture. ♦ To increase the water holding capacity of the soil. ♦ To improve soil aeration. ♦ To destroy weeds and grasses. ♦ To destroy insects and pests. ♦ To prevent soil erosion and ♦ To add fertility to the soil by covering vegetation. Classification of ploughs according to power used a) Bullock drawn ploughs- indigenous types ii) Walking type - Short beam
- Long beam ii) Riding type b) Tractor drawn ploughs i) mounted type ii) Semi mounted type INDIGENOUS PLOUGH It is an animal drawn plough. It penetrates into the soil and breaks it open. It forms V shaped furrows with 15-20 cm top width and 12-15 cm depth. It can be used for ploughing in dry land, garden land and wetlands. The size of the plough is represented by the width of the body and the field capacity is around 0.4 ha per day of 8 hours. The functional components include share, body, shoe, handle and beam. Except share all other parts are made up of wood. In villages local artisans make the plough and supply to the farmers. These ploughs are also called as country ploughs
Indigenous plough Share - It is the working part of the plough attached to the shoe with which it penetrates into the soil and breaks it open.
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