what is political consequenceplease explain briefly I make project so please help me
To gauge the political Consequence of cv, most scholars starts by noting the near universal connection between political participation and socioeconomic status. Noting that 'low voter turnout means unequal and socioeconomically biased turnout' (Lijphart 1997, p.2), many scholars see cv as going a long way to removing this 'bias' . Comparative studies of turnout note that the relationship between socioeconomic status and voters turnout weaknes as increase turnout (eg. powell 1986). Thus to extend that cv generates the higher voters turnout (and the research summarized in the previous sections strongly that it does), CV also removes socioeconomic differences in electoral participation. Quite simply, when everyone votes, there can be no socioeconomic 'basies' in turnout. It also follow that the high turnout rates engendered by CV also have partisan and ideological implications. Since support for parties of the left is correlated with socioeconomic status ( notwithstanding a lengthy debate about a decline in 'class voting'), as socioeconomic based differentials in turnout diminish, support for parties of the left (Pacek and Radcliff 1995, Nagel 1988, McAllister and Mughan 1986). In turn, increased support for parties of the left results in higher welfare spending and more status intervention in the macroeconomy and labour markets (Hicks and Swank 1992, Castles and Mckinlay 1979). Again to the extend the CV increases turnout, and turnout increases support for left parties and their policy agendas, then CV can be shown to have policy implications. Put simply, CV helps mobilize the voters who would otherwise abstain, generating a distribution of voter's policy preferences further to the left than would otherwise result, and so party competition take place over an interval of the ideological spectrum shifted to the left from where it would otherwise be. CV is thus casually quite remote from outcomes such as left-party success or particular parties outcome. Indeed, this causal linked could even never be reversed: i.e., it is only in countries with commitments to social democratic outcomes that CV is adopted, and in fact, this accords with the pattern of adoption of CV western democracies in the early twentieth century.