What is Political economic and cultural dimension of international communication?
Political Dimension: 1. International Communication has increased pressure of democratization. 2. Politics is dominating part of media content across the world. 3. Helpful in disseminating & propagating political ideas & ideologies. 4. Increased Public diplomacy. 5. Decreased political homogeneity.
Economic Dimension: 1. Border less world helpful to economies across the globe. 2. Change in market rates depend on the International economy3. Media companies are converging at high rate. 4. Increase in Trade & exchange among various warring countries too. 5. Turned non-market things into products. E.g. culture.
Cultural Dimension: 1.Free flow of culture. 2. Growth of linguistic groups. 3. Change in the use of language. 4. More market oriented communication. 5. Digital Divide.