Geography, asked by aniyangbadu762893589, 10 months ago

What is population density.
Hoe is sex ratio esiculares
Who itnadened the concept of bunian developing?
What is meant by snual gauw pt poslation
Jo. What are the deal factors of population change?
? What is speses pestamoidy ilaw deck it help in gorelazion studies?
2. Who is sex satis untourasie to womes in the worlo? Explain airy three reasons,
1 Náme to countries having high human development index. Diseruns tres antes far
framan develop at ex
44. Divide countries in the groups on the basis of brutan development index and give e
description of each groun
15 People prefer to live in certain regions of the world not everywhere. Give your views to
sieteament with strable scamples of geographical; economic, social and cultural factors,
10. Explan the patterns si distribution of population in the world.
17 hat are the past anti prill factors which lead to migration in the world? How migratinti
die life of people
18 Describe de distribution of rural and urban population in different parts of the world
19 Deline the term Human Development why is human development necessary) Explain site
6 Og a political map of the world identify the stallest and largest population con


Answered by hotaassociates1981


Don't send such big big questions

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