what is precipitation
- Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and falls back to the Earth. It comes in many forms, like rain, sleet, and snow. Along with evaporation and condensation, precipitation is one of the three major parts of the global water cycle.
heya, buddy !!
➦The Precipitation is the process by which takes place once the water vapour condenses to form water droplets in clouds and once they become heavy enough, fall to the ground in various forms. These forms include rainfall, snowfall, hail, etc. Particles of dust or smoke in the atmosphere form the condensation nuclei and provide a surface for water vapour to condense upon. This helps water droplets gather together and become large enough to fall to the Earth. Precipitation is always freshwater, however, they can be contaminated by pollutants while falling to earth. This is referred to as acid rain.
We know that, The last stage of the water cycle is infiltration by which rainwater seeps into the ground forming aquifers. If the water from rainfall does not form aquifers, it flows into rivers or the sea and this process is called runoff. The water cycle is an integral part of the earth’s climate and it affects all life processes on earth.