what is precipitation and relief features. PLs Tell me fast
Here is your answer -
Precipitation means rainfall.
Relief features are the diverse features like -
Islands, Deserts, mountains, plains, plateaus.
Rain is any kind of water that is formed in the atmosphere of the earth and then falls to the surface of the Earth.
Water vapor, suspended water droplets, are formed in the Earth's atmosphere. Water vapor appears in the atmosphere as a cloud and mist. Water vapor is collected in clouds with other materials like dust.
The density of the clouds creates rain, or forms around these small pieces of material called the Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN).
Clouds eventually become much larger than the vapor of water, and the rain turns into a liquid (rain) or a concrete (ice).
Rain is part of the water cycle. Rain falls on the ground in the form of snow and rain. It eventually rises back in the form of evaporation and the atmosphere in the atmosphere. In the clouds, it turns back into liquid or solid water, and it falls to Earth again. People rely on rain for fresh water, drink crops for food, take a bath and irrigate.
The most common types of rainfall are rain, hail and snow.
Rain falls in the form of droplets of water on the surface of the earth. Raindrops microscopic cloud condensation is made around the nucleus, such as dust particle or pollution molecule.
Rain which falls through the clouds but before reaching the ground the freeze is called slit or snow pellets.
Although cartoon pictures of rain drops look like tears, the real rain drop is actually spherical.
Relief features
Landforms For convenience, relief facilities are classified into three orders of magnitude: in the first order of continents and ocean valleys; The second mountain, the plain, and the valley, which are of nature; And includes the smallest characteristics created by the third destructive forces - corrosion characteristics such as disturbances and valleys; Residual features like peak and monadnocks; And depositional features like delta and moraines.