what is precipitation?
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to cover all aspects of self employment such as organisation of the poor into self-help groups, training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing.
The objective of SGSY is to ensure that the assisted poor families have a monthly income of at least Rs. 2000 so that to bring those families above the poverty line in three years.
The assisted families may be individuals (swarozgari) or groups (self-help groups). Emphasis will be on the group approach.
SGSY will particularly focus on the most deprived groups among the rural poor. Accordingly, the SC/STs will account for at least 50% of the Swarozgaris, women for 40% and the disabled for 30%.
At the Block level, at least half of the groups will be exclusively women groups.
Group activity will be given preference and progressively majority of the funds will be for self-help groups.
The Panchayat Samity and the Zilla Parishad/ DRDC in association with the Banks will identify 4-5 key activities based on the resources, occupational skills of the people and availability of markets. The lists of key activities identified in this district are given in next section below.
Subsidy under SGSY will be uniform at 30% of the project cost subject to the maximum of Rs. 7500. In respect of SC/STs, however, these will be 50% and Rs. 10,000 respectively. For groups of swarozgaris (SHGs), the subsidy would be at 50% of the cost of the scheme subject to a ceiling of Rs. 1.25 lakhs. Credit is the key component and Subsidy is only minor and enabling component of SGSY.
Self-help group may consist of 10 to 20 persons all from the BPL (now operational list). In the case of minor irrigation and in the case of disabled persons, this number may be a minimum of five (5). The group shall not consist of more than one member from the same family. A person should not be a member of more than one group. This group will function on the basis of particularly decision making process. The BDO and the Banker may visit the SHG as often as they can and explain to the members the opportunities for self-employment and the entire process of graduation based on participatory approach.
Every SHG that is in existence at least for a period of six months and have qualified as a viable group will receive a revolving fund of Rs. 25,000 from banks as cash credit facility. Banks may charge interest only on the sum exceeding Rs. 10,000, which is given to the bank by the DRDC as subsidy grant but to the group it is a cash credit. Banks will take documents for Rs. 25,000.
Precipitation is any form of liquid or solid water particles that fall from the atmosphere and reach the surface of the Earth. For the Gulf Coast area, precipitation includes drizzle, rain, hail, and on rare occasions, snow and sleet. Different seasons and geographic locations see varying amounts of precipitation in amount and intensity. Precipitation is caused when a mass of warm, moist air hits a mass of cold air. Condensation causes the moisture to form droplets that become rain or crystals that become snow or ice. When these droplets or crystals become too heavy to be suspended in the atmosphere, they fall to Earth as precipitation.