What is predefined text format
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✔✔Follow setup and try✔✔
1. Type the following _⭐code: =rand ( )⭐
2. Press Enter.
Follow these steps to change the style set in your sample document:
3. On the Home tab, click Change Styles.
4. Point to Style Set, then hover the pointer over each style set to preview it.
5. Click the Word 2007 (or Word 2010) style set to apply it to the document.
Follow these steps to easily create a title by applying a style:
1. Place your cursor at the beginning of the first line of text.
2. Type the words Word 2007 Galleries, then press Enter.
3. Place your cursor inside (or highlight) the text you just typed.
4. On the Home tab, in the Quick Style gallery, click the Title style. (If you don’t remember what the gallery looks like, jump back up the page to the screenshot of the Quick Style gallery, then come back.)
Follow these steps to apply the Normal style:
1. Highlight all three paragraphs of text. (Don’t highlight the title.)
2. In the Quick Style gallery, click the Normal style.
Follow these steps to apply bold formatting to selected text:
1. Highlight the first instance of the term Quick Styles.
2. Apply the Strong style from the Quick Stylegallery.
3. Repeat with each instance of the terms Theme and Quick Style(s).
✔✔Follow setup and try✔✔
1. Type the following _⭐code: =rand ( )⭐
2. Press Enter.
Follow these steps to change the style set in your sample document:
3. On the Home tab, click Change Styles.
4. Point to Style Set, then hover the pointer over each style set to preview it.
5. Click the Word 2007 (or Word 2010) style set to apply it to the document.
Follow these steps to easily create a title by applying a style:
1. Place your cursor at the beginning of the first line of text.
2. Type the words Word 2007 Galleries, then press Enter.
3. Place your cursor inside (or highlight) the text you just typed.
4. On the Home tab, in the Quick Style gallery, click the Title style. (If you don’t remember what the gallery looks like, jump back up the page to the screenshot of the Quick Style gallery, then come back.)
Follow these steps to apply the Normal style:
1. Highlight all three paragraphs of text. (Don’t highlight the title.)
2. In the Quick Style gallery, click the Normal style.
Follow these steps to apply bold formatting to selected text:
1. Highlight the first instance of the term Quick Styles.
2. Apply the Strong style from the Quick Stylegallery.
3. Repeat with each instance of the terms Theme and Quick Style(s).

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taj mahalxbxg
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