what is prime number ?what is twin prime number? what is co prime number? what is composite number?
Prime numbers are numbers that have only 2 factors: 1 and themselves.
Twin prime is a prime number that is either 2 less or 2 more than another prime number
Two integers are said to be co-prime if the common number that divides both (common factor) is 1 only.
A composite number is a positive integer that can be formed by multiplying two smaller positive integers.
Answer: Prime Number= a number that is divisible only by itself and 1.
Twin prime Number=A twin prime is a prime number that is either 2 less or 2 more than another prime number
co prime number= Co-prime numbers or relatively prime numbers are those numbers that have their HCF (Highest Common Factor) as 1.
Composite Numbers= A composite number is a positive integer. which is not prime
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