What is pronoun ?
What is noun ??
What is adjective???
ɱausaɱ-a-ɱijaz Gulzar Ҝar Gaye
Uffff wo ɱusҜuraҜar Ҝarzdar Ҝar Gaye….
pronoun -a word that is used in place of a noun or a phrase that contains a noun
संज्ञा अथवा संज्ञावाले वाक्यांश के बदले प्रयुक्त शब्द; सर्वनाम
noun- a word that is the name of a thing, an idea, a place or a person
वस्तु, विचार, स्थान या व्यक्ति के नाम का सूचक शब्द; संज्ञा
adjective-a word that tells you more about a noun
संज्ञा की विशेषता बताने वाला शब्द; विशेषण
Pronoun- Word that can function as a noun phrase used by itself and that refers either to the participants in the discourse (e.g. I, you ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g. she, it, this ).
Noun - Word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things ( common noun ), or to name a particular one of these ( proper noun ).
Adjective- An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes its referent.