what is proportions and body type in scale in roblox
Roblox is introducing two new sliders to the avatar’s scale to control body shape and proportion: BodyTypeScale and BodyProportionScale. These values are used to control the overall shape of a character.
BodyTypeScale is a NumberValue attached to Humanoid that controls how much the character is to be modified from a standard R15 body shape. When set to 0, the character appears as a standard R15. When set to 1, the character is taller and more slender.
The current maximum value for this factor is 0.3. We will be allowing higher values for this setting in the future when we confirm that visual and physical targets are working well.
In addition to BodyTypeScale, BodyProportionScale determines the shape of the taller, more slender character. When set to 0, the body proportion is “wide,” taller, with broader shoulders. When set to 1, the body proportion is “narrow,” shorter with narrower shoulders.
"Proportion means the relative size of parts, for example, our face such as eyes and mouth
The scale is the relative size of individual parts like a person compared to building
In Roblox, body type scale and body proportion scales are used to control the shape of a character.
Body type scale is a number value that controls how should a character modified. When the numerical value set to 1, the character should become taller and slender.
When the value set to 1 for the body proportion scale, the character could become shorter with narrower shoulders.