Biology, asked by vaidya1974, 10 months ago

What is puberty define
Class 10 biology


Answered by vasanthij97

the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.

2832raxy: The period in which the teenagers body undergoes and their body becomes capable of reprodution is known as Pubery
2832raxy: *puberty
Pranchalkapadiya: Puberty is a time or period when human attain sexual maturity. means boys start producing sperma and girls start reproducing ova. in males it useally being at the age of 9 to 13 and in girls its being from 8 to 10 years.
Answered by mdimrana121
Puberty is a period in human development during which the body changes as people transition from childhood to adulthood. It usually begins between ages 8 and 14 for girls and 9 and 13 for boys. During puberty, older children and teens experience both sexual changes as well as growth spurts.
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