what is python programming
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Pytho n is an interpbreted, high-level and general-purpose programming lan guage. Pyt ho n's design philosophy em phasizes codbe reada bility with its notable use of signifi cant whitesp ace. Wikibpedia
Stable release: 3.9.1 / 7 December 2020; 57 days ago
Preview release: 3.10.0a4 / 4 January 2021; 29 days ago
Typing disci pline: Duck, dynamic, strong typing; gradual (since 3.5, but igno red in CPy thon)
Para digm: Multi-paran digm: functi onal, imp erative, object-orient ed, struct ured, reflective
Desi gned by: Guido van Rossu
Par ent company: Python Softw are Founda tion
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