what is quantum mechanics
quantum mechanics was discovered by Max planck its states that accept your surroundings where are you for example if you live in Delhi and because you are in Delhi you cannot imagine that what is going on in Mumbai so leaving your surroundings and accept your surroundings everything that is not visible to you except your surroundings this is callecalled quantum mechanics.it also states that everything is in liquid form.
Quantum Mechanics describes how the Universe works at the extent smaller than atoms.
Quantum mechanics is that the branch of physics concerning the very small. It leads to what may appear to be some very strange conclusions about the physical world. It describes how the Universe works at the extent smaller than atoms. It's also called "quantum physics" or "quantum theory". A quantum of energy may be a certain amount of energy, and quantum physics describes how that energy moves and interacts at the sub-atomic level. Its concepts often run counter to common-sense notions derived from observations of the everyday world.
To know more:
what is quantum mechanics - Brainly.in
What is quantum mechanics - Brainly.in