What is quantum nonlocality?
As the name suggests quantum non - locality , is the phenomena where the quantum particle is delocalized or do not accept the interpretation of realistic theories and experiments.
Quantum nonlocality.
Albert Einstein distrusted quantum mechanics because he perceived embedded
in its formalism what he called “spooky actions at a distance”. The characteristic that
worried Einstein is now called “nonlocality”. The term locality means that separated
system parts that are out of speed-of-light contact can only retain some definite rela-
tionship through memory of previous contact. Nonlocality means that some relation-
ship is being enforced nonlocally across space and time. The nonlocality of quantum
mechanics has been spotlighted by quantum-optics EPR (Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen)
experiments showing in ever increasing detail the peculiar actions and consequences
of nonlocality. These measurements, for example the correlated optical polariza-
tions for oppositely directed photons, show that something very like faster-than-light
hand-shaking must be going on within the formalism of quantum mechanics and in
nature itself.