French, asked by Baby0008, 5 months ago

What is Quoi mean in French?​


Answered by mehjabeen00


quoi means what


quoi means “what.” But so does que (in certain contexts), which means that you can't just slip quoi into a sentence to replace its English equivalent, unfortunately. Since it's so common, it's essential to understand and know how to use quoi in order to speak even basic French.

Answered by ItzZiddiBachi2045


What is Quoi mean in French?


quoi means what

"Quoi qu'il en soit, voici une question bien posée mais l'usage de "quoi" est assez vaste...."

"Anyway, here's a good question, but the use of "what" is quite extensive..."

To add a small contribution, I use "quoi" everyday, familiar word in french, casual, not really rude but could be replaced by more polite expressions.

Quoi? What?

I remember when I was once queuing in England to get a coffee or a tea, (the only drinks proposed at this shop), Patiently, I was training myself to pronounce correctly the word "tea", the drink I wanted. Proudly, I asked for a tea, sure of success, it was so simple! But the waiter replied: "What?" A french would have said "Quoi?" and I would have been vexed too!

I use often: "dis-moi quoi" , tell me what.

"quoi!" could be used as an interjection too.

"quelle question compliquée! va sur google! c'est plus simple, quoi!!!"

Thank you for asking.

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