what is rectangle
what is triangle
what is square
what is circle
A circle is made up of curved line that goes round and round. It has no straight sides and no corners.
Here are some examples of things that are circle.
Can you think of other things that are circle?
A Triangle
A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners.
The sides are the straight lines that make up the triangle.
The corners are the points where two lines meet.
These things are triangle.
In our example, the sides of the triangle have the same length. This makes three equal angles.
An angle is the space between two lines that create a corner.
The sides and angles of a triangle do not always have to be equal. Just like the triangles below.
You will learn more about these types of triangles later.
A Square
A square has 4 equal sides. This means that its sides have the same length. It also has 4 corners which make 4 equal angles.
These are the angles of a square.
Here are examples of things that are square.
What other things around you are square?
A Rectangle
A rectangle has 2 short sides and 2 long sides. It also has 4 corners which make 4 equal angles.
These are the angles of a rectangle.
Let's look at some example of things in school that are rectangle.
What other rectangle objects do you know?
Step-by-step explanation: