Biology, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

what is reduction during Calvin cycle_???​


Answered by vijetasrivastava303





 fixation in dark reaction was thoroughly worked out by M. Calvin. Therefore, the complete pathway is called Calvin cycle. The first stable compound is a three-carbon compound, (3- phosphoglyceric acid), so the cycle is called C  




It consists of three major steps:

1. Carboxylation: During which CO  



 combines with 1, 5 RuBP in presence of RUBISCO to produce 3- PGA..

2. Reversal of glycolysis(Reduction)- During which carbohydrate is formed at the expense of photochemically made ATP and NADPH.

3. Regeneration of RuBP- During which Ribulose- 1,5 biphosphate is formed.

Hence, the correct answer is '3,1,2'.


Answered by Anonymous


let's have a small introduction of Calvin cycle ..

Calvin cycle: Calvin scientist and his co-workers worked out the whole pathway operatted in a cycle manner , the RuBP was regenerated ...

basically where the sugar was synthesized...

Reduction: These are a series of reaction that lead to the formation of glucose. That steps involved utilisation of two molecules of ATP for phosphorylation and 2 of NADPH for reduction per CO2 molecule fixed the fixation of 6 molecules of co2 and 6 turns of the cycle are required for the formation of one molecule of glucose from the pathway...

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