What is relationship between partical velocity and wave velocity
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Dear Student,
The velocity of particle of medium in which a sound wave is propagating is given by V particle,dydt=ωA cos(ωt−kx) .................. (1)
So, maximum value of particle velocity is ωa.The wave velocity of the sound is however fixed for a given medium,V=nλ=ωkNow, The strain in a medium in which compression refraction of sound waves are travelling is given byStrain=−∆y∆x=KA cos(ωt−Kx)Thus, the maximum strain is (−∆y∆x)max=KVparticlestrain=ωk=wave velocityParticle velocity=wave velocity×strain in the medium.
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Particle velocity is when only one particle is oscillating to and fro but when that particle with the rest others particle start oscillating in a group that is wave velocity
Hope it helps you. Best of luck for exams . Bye bye