What is relationship between standard oxidation potential and standard reduction potential?
Oxidation can also be gaining of oxygen atoms whereas Reduction is loss of Oxygen atoms.
Oxidation can also be loss of Hydrogen atoms but Reduction is the gain of Hydrogen atoms.
Oxidation State increases when Oxidation occurs while Oxidation state decreases when Reduction occurs.
Oxidation increases the positive charge of a chemical species but Reduction increases the negative charge of a chemical species.
Oxidation occurs in Reducing agentswhile Reduction occurs in Oxidising agents.
(1) Standard electrode potential: It is defined as the difference of clectrical potential between metal electrode and the solution around it equilibrium when all the substances involved in the electrode reaction are in their standard states of unit activity or concentration at constant temperature.
(2) Standard oxidation potential : It is defined as the difference of clectrical potential betweea metal electrode and the solution around it at equilibrium due to oxidation reaction, when all the substances involved in the oxidation reaction are in their standard states of unit activity or concentration at constant temperature.
(3) Standard reduction potential It is defined as the differenceof clectrical potential between metal electrode and the solution around it at equilibrium due to reduction reaction, when all the substances involved in the reduction reaction are in their standard states of unit activity or concentration at Constant temperature.