what is relationship of stability with acidity of aromatic compound in org chemistry
Acidity Trends In Organic Molecules
Here, we’ll review the key trends that affect acidity, which all have the common effect of stabilizing negative charge (or more broadly, a lone pair of electrons).
Table Of Contents
The Weaker The Conjugate Base, The Stronger The Acid. So Any Factor Which Stabilizes The Conjugate Base Will Increase Acidity
Acidity Trend #1: Charge
Acidity Trend #2: The More “Polarizable” The Atom, The Better It Is Able To Stabilize Negative Charge
Acidity Trend #3: Electron Withdrawing Groups Stabilize Negative Charge
Acidity Trend #4: Resonance Stabilizes Negative Charge By Spreading It Out Over A Greater Area
Acidity Trend #5: The Greater The s-Character Of The Hybrid Orbital The More Stable The Negative Charge
A Special Case: Aromaticity
What Do You Do When Trying To Assess Multiple Factors That Affect Acidity?
- When dealing with aromatic compounds, you often need to predict the acidity and the basicity of double bond–containing rings, including aromatic rings.
- For example, you may need to determine which one of two double bond–containing rings is more acidic
- As with any acid-base reaction in which you need to compare acidity, you should look to see which acid has the more stable conjugate base.
- Stronger acids have more stable conjugate bases.
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