English, asked by andyflabtec, 6 months ago

what is Relative clause?​


Answered by Anonymous
  • A relative clause is a kind of subordinate clause that contains the element whose interpretation is provided by an antecedent on which the subordinate clause is grammatically dependent; that is, there is an anaphoric relation between the relativized element in the relative clause and antecedent on which it depends.  <marquee> <scrollamount = 130 > <body \: bgcolor = pink> <font \: color = red> ┊┊┊┏╮┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊
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Answered by IƚȥSɯҽҽƚCαɳԃყ



A clause that is attached to an antecedent by a relative pronoun such as who, which, or that.

Ex:Who,That etc

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