What is report? How will you create report?
A report consists of information that is pulled from tables are queries, as well as information that is stored with the report design, such as the labels ,headings, and graphics.
The tables of queries that provide the underlying data are also known as the reports record source.
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give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.
On the Create tab in the Reportsgroup, click Report Wizard. The wizard starts.

From the Tables/Queries drop-down list, select the table (or query) to base the report on. The fields for the selected table load in the Available Fields list box.
Move the fields to include on the report from the Available Fieldslist box to the Selected Fields list box. To do so, double-click a field name to move it or highlight the field name and click >. To move all fields at once, click >>.
Click Next >.
To group records on the report by a particular field, highlight the field in the list box and click >.
Add more grouping levels if desired. You can use the arrows to change the order of the grouping levels if needed.
When you finish defining how you want records grouped, click Next >.
In the first drop-down list, select the field to sort records by. By default, records will be sorted in ascending order by the field you select. If you want to sort in descending order, click the Ascending button to change its label to "Descending".
You can specify up to four levels of sorting. When you finish specifying sorting options, click Next >.
In the Layout field, select the format of the report. Your options are "Stepped", "Block", and "Outline". (Try the options to see a preview of the report layouts.)
In the Orientation field, select whether to lay out the report in portrait or landscape mode.
If you want all fields to fit on a single page, ensure the Adjust the field width so all fields fit on a page check box is marked.
Click Next >.
Enter a title for the report.
Select an option for the view you want to open the report in. Your options are:
Preview the report (opens in Print Preview mode).
Modify the report's design (opens in Design view).
Click Finish. The report loads in the view you selected.
Once the wizard has done its job, future changes to the Sorting and Grouping are made in the Group, Sort, and Total area: Design > Group & Sort. You may change the order of, remove, or edit any existing items. You may also add a group and a sort as well.