English, asked by Swastikdas8277, 1 year ago

What is report writing and its good features


Answered by anassiddiqui4
A good report is always complete and self-explanatory document. For this, repetition of facts, figures, information, conclusions and recommendation should be avoided. and Report writing should be always complete and self-explanatory. It should give a complete information to the readers in a precise manner.

Aaliyashaikh1110: hiii anas
anassiddiqui4: hyy
anassiddiqui4: hyy
anassiddiqui4: yahi hu
Answered by Anonymous


Generally, two types of reports are asked in the CBSE Class 12 English paper, namely, newspaper report or a magazine report. Newspaper report is the one which is published in a newspaper and magazine report is generally written for a school magazine.

A well written report must possess the following traits:  adherence to the specifications of report brief;  analysis of relevant information;  structuring material in a logical and coherent order;  presentation in a consistent manner according to the instructions of the report brief;  making appropriate conclusions that are supported by the evidence and analysis of the report;

Report Writing Format for CBSE Class Format of a magazine report i.Heading- A descriptive title which is expressive of the contents of the report. ii. By line- Name of the person writing the report. It is generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your personal details in your answer. iii. Opening paragraph (introduction) – It may include the '5 Ws' namely, WHAT, WHY, WHEN and WHERE along with WHO was invited as the chief guest. iv. Account of the event in detail- The proper sequence of events that occurred along with their description. It is the main paragraph and can be split into two short paragraphs if required. v. Conclusion- This will include the description of how the event ended. It may include quote excerpts from the Chief Guest's speech or how did the event wind up

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