What is reverberation
The word Reverberation is known as resolution of sound after the sound produced.
It is created when a sound or signal is reflected which causing numerous reflection to build up and then decay as the sound as the surface of the objects in the space.
In simple words Reverberation is caused when sound wave continue to vibrate after the original source of sound stop producing the sound.
It can also cause Echos.
For Example : In deep mountain valley any sound can create an echos effect after sound waves hits multiple sides of objects.
The prolonged echoing or reflected sound is called as reverberation,
- The prolonging sound occur when something gets banged intentionally or unintentionally on a huge metal, even after stopped banging.
- The prolonged repeating sound gradually becomes low and booming sound that follows the play of an electric guitar is called reverberation.
- The persistence of a sound after sound is always heard when large level of reflections are formed. Often we could hear this sound in auditoriums.
- Reflected sound causing frequent reflections to build up and then falloff as the sound is absorbed by the surfaces of objects in the space, which could be equipment, people, furniture and air.
To learn more:
1) What is reverberation? Give ways to prevent reverberation in big halls:
2) What arrangement should be done in auditorium to control excessive reverberation: