What is right? How can be claim a right.
Are you talking about rights such as fundamental right answer would be like this :-
What is right?
Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology. Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization, for they are regarded as established pillars of society and culture, and the history of social conflicts can be found in the history of each right and its development. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "rights structure the form of governments, the content of laws, and the shape of morality as it is currently perceived".
In this fundamental rights there are different types they are :-
A right to life, a right to choose; a right to vote, to work, to strike; a right to one phone call, to dissolve parliament, to operate a forklift, to asylum, to equal treatment before the law, to feel proud of what one has done; a right to exist, to sentence an offender to death, to launch a nuclear first strike, to carry a concealed weapon, to a distinct genetic identity; a right to believe one's own eyes, to pronounce the couple husband and wife, to be left alone, to go to hell in one's own way.
How can be claim a right?
A claim right is a right which entails responsibilities, duties, or obligations on other parties regarding the right-holder. In contrast, a liberty right is a right which does not entail obligations on other parties, but rather only freedom or permission for the right-holder.
If if you mean right or wrong. Answer would like this:
Right is something with the potential to lead to safety and/or happiness, with minimal potential for suffering for all parties potentially effected.
How can be claim a right?
Everybody tells right from wrong differently, just as everybody plays piano differently. Some people tell right from wrong better than others just as some pianists are better than others. And again like piano, teaching is not as simple as telling.
Some quotes on right are in attachment.
Hope it helps............. ^_^
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