Physics, asked by Kusum704, 1 year ago

What is role of an architect in context of climate factors and climatic zones while design a house?


Answered by aroranamrta12


Climate responsive architecture takes into consideration seasonality, the direction of the sun (sun path and solar position), natural shade provided by the surrounding topography, environmental factors (such as wind, rainfall, humidity) and climate data (temperature, historical weather patterns, etc.) to design comfortable and energy-efficient homes.

Perform a Site Analysis

Determine the weather patterns, climate, soil types, wind speed and direction, heating degree days, and path of the sun. Look at the water flows, habitat, and geology of the site. Document each with a qualified team of professionals to understand the ramifications of building in that specific place. It is an approach which considers the best environmental sustainability practices.

Layout the Building on the Site

Using an integrative design process, use a basic massing of the building layout to determine specifically on-site the most optimal location for the building to be situated. Factors to consider here are access to infrastructure, staying at least 100 feet clear of any watershed, not building within a floodplain and in a habitat with endangered species. Asking what trees and other existing geological features should be avoided or how water flows across the site can dictate the location of the building.

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