What is role of our stomach in the digeston of food
Your stomach is a sac-like organ with strong muscular walls. In addition to holding food, it serves as the mixer and grinder of food. Your stomach makes acid and powerful enzymes that break the food down and change it to a liquid or paste.
so basically stomach is plays vital role in the digestion of the food because it has the enzymes in it,,first HCL which is hydrochloric acid ,mucus and gastric juices ,,,,so what happen exactly when food enters in the in the stomach through the peristaltic movement of the oesophagus what happens the stomach secrete the acid the inner lining of the stomach secrete the acid called HCL that is hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid is very active in nature so so this should not cause any damage to the stomach so mucus is inner lining of the stomach which protects the stomach from getting damaged or damaged by the HCL then this this HCL digest the protein fats carbohydrates is in gastric juices are secreted and they are mixed well with the food and this is how the digestion takes place but this is only the partial direction which takes place in the stomach and the for the damage that is complete dimensional digestion will be taken place in the small intestine