Biology, asked by pippalbalveer5326, 5 months ago

What is role of scientists in reputation lesson


Answered by sara122



What is role of scientists in reputation lesson


Scientists play quite a number of roles. One of the roles of a scientist is to admit when a question is too hard to answer. Scientists have played so many roles, good and bad, that we can't single out one or even pretend to give a complete list. We can try to give a bit of an idea.

Scientists play quite a number of roles. One of the roles of a scientist is to admit when a question is too hard to answer. Scientists have played so many roles, good and bad, that we can't single out one or even pretend to give a complete list. We can try to give a bit of an idea. Many of us feel that the most special single trait of a scientist is a curiosity intense enough to make one keep questioning one's beliefs and testing them to see if they fit with actual observations. Since no one person can carry that process too far, scientists also need to work together. That requires trusting each other a good deal, but skeptically. We have to build on what previous generations of scientists have found out, without simply accepting it as the certain truth.

Answered by nidak2132


There are certain characteristics that are useful or necessary to be a good scientist. In this lesson, we'll talk about six of them:

Careful observation is an important characteristic of scientists. Since science relies on observational evidence, your scientific theories are only as good as the observations you've made. When you measure things or watch things, it must be done carefully and with good technique. Every measurement has uncertainty. Nobody is perfect at observing and measuring, but scientists tend to be better than most.

Curiosity is another important characteristic. Generally, people don't get into science in the first place if they're not curious about the natural world. It's this curiosity that makes the subject interesting to a scientist, and it's also the motivation for doing research. Why would you do research if you're not interested and curious about the outcome? The world is an amazing place, with a lot to explore and discover. Scientists tend to get very excited about what they might find.

Logic is vital for scientists. Researching a topic and taking data can be frustrating at times. It might turn out that the ideas you were attached to were wrong. When that happens, it takes a logical mind to put aside your feelings for the greater good of science. It also takes a logical way of thinking to make sense of the observations you make. Sometimes the observations can be very complicated and only thinking logically can help make sense of it.

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