what is root 3 -root 6
The square root of 3 is represented as √3 or 31/2. The numerical value of root 3 is given as follows:
√3 = 1.732050807568877293527446341505872366…..
To make the calculation easier, the value of root 3 is truncated as 1.732.
Step-by-step explanation:
the square root of 6, we just need to be aware of a few solutions and methods. The value of root 6 is 2.44948974278. This can be mathematically represented as:
sqrt(6)= 2.44948974278 or √6 = 2.44948974278
Square Root of 6 Simplified
To find Root 6 one can refer to the methods of simplifying square roots. To simplify a square root, the number should be made as small as possible while still keeping it as a whole number. Mathematically this can be written as:
√a.b = √a * √b
To write this equation for the square root of 6 simplification, we will get:
√6= √2 * √3
This can be further simplified by substituting the values of root 2 and 3 (rounded to three decimal numbers) as:
√6 = 1.414 * 1.732
√6 = 2.449
3√6 = √18
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