what is S.I.R effect ???
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SIR effect finds immense use in explaining Stability of carbocation, acidity and basicity of organic compounds: For example(1): Ortho substituted Benzoic acid is more acidic then meta or para substituted benzoic acid irrespective of nature of group (electron donating group or electron withdrawing group)
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SIR stand for Steric Inhibition in Resonance, means as per name steric means size, inhibition means some kind of hindrance, little hurdle, and resonance means delocalisation of conjugate points.
We know that planarity is the main condition for resonance that means resonance can occur only when all the atom involved in resonance lie in the same plane or nearly in the same plane. Any change in structure which destroys planarity of molecule will restrict or inhibit resonance, this phenomenon is known as steric inhibition of resonance.
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