Biology, asked by vshouryansh5, 3 months ago

What is science in detail
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Answered by NishiDubey48


Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: ... Evidence. Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses.

1 : knowledge about the natural world that is based on facts learned through experiments and observation. 2 : an area of study that deals with the natural world (as biology or physics) 3 : a subject that is formally studied the science of linguistics. 4 : something that can be studied and learned Pitching is a science.


Science is a way of knowing about the world. At once a process, a product, and an institution, science enables people to both engage in the construction of new knowledge as well as use information to achieve desired ends.

Answered by kgkrishna201


Science it is a thing that can do anything in world. It is based on machine and technology. The wasing machine in your home is an example of science technology.


This is correct answer.

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